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Resources For Depression

Mental health is incredibly important for your overall health and well-being. But when you’re struggling with depression, knowing how to help yourself start feeling better can be difficult.

We all have our down days or weeks, times in our lives when we just feel bad. When you’re feeling depressed, it’s important to recognize the symptoms that you are experiencing and how long those symptoms last. In this blog post, we will discuss some ways that you can begin to improve your mental health.

Stay In Touch

Try not to withdraw from everyone in your life. It's good to have a balance of introspection and socialization. Keeping in touch with family and friends means you also have someone to talk with when you feel low. When you reach out to people, you can continue to connect with them.

Be More Active

If you’re able to, try to take up some form of exercise. There's a lot of evidence that tells us exercise can help increase our moods. It's okay to start small with a walk, or even some stretches. Whatever you can do to get your body moving is going to help you.

Face Your Fears

Don’t avoid the small things that may be difficult for you to accomplish. When you begin to feel anxiety or fear, try to work with yourself to get through the feelings instead of avoiding them. You may find it helpful to practice self-soothing or even hyping yourself up when you’re trying to conquer these fears. Remember, if you continue to avoid certain activities or people, the cycle of that fear and avoidance will repeat.

Limit Your Alcohol Intake

Alcohol is a depressant; if you are already feeling sad, hopeless or otherwise, you may want to avoid it. Oftentimes, people seek out alcohol when they're trying to cover up or hide their emotions. Your feelings may seem overwhelming, but drinking isn’t actually dealing with them. Instead, you’re really just suffocating those feelings, which will make you feel more depressed in the long run. That doesn't mean you need to open the door wide and deal with everything. Just try not to cover up everything you're feeling.

Eat A Healthy Diet

Some people, especially those with depression or depressive symptoms, are at risk of becoming underweight because they don't have the energy or motivation to eat anything. Others may find comfort in food and put on excess weight. It's really important to keep an eye on this and talk to your doctor if you’re noticing these changes. Loved ones can also help you keep on track until you feel comfortable doing it on your own.

Stick To A Routine

When people feel down, they often get into poor sleep patterns, like staying up late and/or sleeping during the day. You should try to get up at your normal time and stick to a routine as much as possible. Those changes can affect many things, like eating, socializing, etc.

Seek Professional Help

If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms like these, it's time to reach out to a trusted provider. It's always better to ask for help sooner rather than later. Sometimes we can only do so much on our own before we need a little bit of extra support. There's no need to struggle or carry these feelings alone when a counselor can help ease your mind.

If you need additional support, or if you think your teen might be depressed, the best thing to do is to reach out to a mental health professional. Our team at Mindsight Behavioral Group can help you find the best path forward. Call our office at 606-401-2966 or request an appointment online at

Caitlin is a Behavioral Health Clinician who helps clients guide themselves into deeper meaning and purpose for their lives. She focuses on finding resources, techniques, and coping skills on their journey for further fulfillment.

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