Counseling for General Anxiety
Counseling for Panic Attacks
Counseling for Social Anxiety

Anxiety Feels Like...
Constant worrying
Creeps up randomly
Often there's no rhyme or reason
Racing thoughts
Worst case scenarios on replay
When you can name it, you can treat it.
Its name is anxiety.
You must remember, you have it. It doesn't have you.
Although it can feel intense, scary, and even hopeless, it's not! It's one of the most treatable mental health concerns that people have. Regardless of how long you've struggled, it's never too late!
Everyone feels anxious sometimes. That is a healthy response to unfamiliar situations or stimuli. However, when the anxiety is disproportionate to the situation and begins to disrupt your life, it is time to seek professional help.
It's important to know the symptoms of anxiety so you can know how to get the help you need to overcome anxiety.
1. Physical Symptoms of Anxiety. Often those with excessive anxiety experience physical symptoms such as an upset stomach, excessive sweating, headache, rapid heartbeat, and trouble breathing. When everyday situations cause reactions like this, it is likely that your anxiety needs treatment.
2. Cognitive Symptoms of Anxiety. If you're having trouble sleeping, finding it difficult to concentrate on normal tasks, or have difficulty remembering things because of your stress, to the point that you aren't able to function normally, it may be time to reach out.
3. Overthinking and Constant Worrying. If worrying keeps you from functioning or you are overthinking so much that you can’t focus on important work or sleep at night, you may have an anxiety problem.
4. Panic Attacks. Often it is easy to mistake these for a heart attack since the symptoms are often similar: chest tightness, shortness of breath, shaking, sweating, etc. Frequent panic attacks may indicate you have a panic disorder.

How Do You Know It's Time To Seek Help For Anxiety?

How Do You Treat Anxiety?
It is difficult to treat anxiety until you know the root of the problem. At Mindsight Behavioral Group, our caring counselors will help you find the root fear that is triggering your anxiety and help you focus on combatting that core belief so that you can find relief and really heal.
There are several different treatments your therapist might use to help you overcome anxiety. Anxiety treatments such EMDR, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), have all been proven effective in reducing generalized anxiety disorder, social phobia, and panic disorder.
We will tailor our approach to you as an individual, based on your unique fears, symptoms, values, and preferences. We believe in providing treatment that helps you find freedom from anxiety quickly. All of our anxiety therapists are trained in anxiety counseling interventions that are supported by research. What does this mean? We’ll provide you with anxiety treatment that really works!
If you'd like to read more about coping strategies for Anxiety, check out this blog!
Here's how anxiety treatment works:
First, we examine your presenting symptoms. Here, both you and your counselor will get a better understanding of the frequency and duration of your anxious episodes or panic attacks.
Next, we tell you exactly what you can expect from anxiety treatment and make a recommendation for length of treatment. We also tell you what you will need to work on independently to further enhance your success.
If you agree with the recommendation and commit to moving forward, the fun begins. Anxiety is a result of negative thoughts that we unknowingly create in our mind. We'll take a deeper look at those thoughts and apply some interventions.
Since cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) says thoughts cause feelings and feelings cause us to act, when we address the core source of the negative thoughts, we can in turn arrange the way we feel.
By doing this, we can finally start to overcome our anxiety!
Our team of skilled professionals can help you find peace!

Austin is an LPCA based in Louisville. He primarily works with teens and adolescents who struggle with emotional and behavioral dysregulation.

Neha is an LPCA based in London. She has a passion for working with children, teens, and adults.

Kelsey is a LPCA who works in our Somerset office. She loves working with children, teens, and those struggling with depression and anxiety.